
Displaying 1 result for the string choosing in rm:

Entity rm en-US
Entity # all locales devtools • client •
You don't have any saved presets, \ You can store filter presets by choosing a name and saving them. \ Presets are quickly accessible and you can re-use them with ease.
You don’t have any saved presets. \ You can store filter presets by choosing a name and saving them. \ Presets are quickly accessible and you can re-use them with ease.

Displaying 10 results for the string choosing in en-US:

Entity rm en-US
Entity # all locales browser • chrome • browser •
%S è vegnì actualisà. Ti stos approvar las novas autorisaziuns avant che la versiun actualisada vegn installada. Sche ti tschernas «Interrumper» vegn la versiun actuala dal supplement mantegnida.
%S has been updated. You must approve new permissions before the updated version will install. Choosing “Cancel” will maintain your current add-on version.
Entity # all locales browser • chrome • browser •
%S è vegnì actualisà. Ti stos acceptar las novas permissiuns avant che la versiun actualisada vegn installada. Sche ti tschernas «Interrumper», vegn la versiun actuala da l'extensiun mantegnida. Questa extensiun vegn ad avair las permissiuns per:
%S has been updated. You must approve new permissions before the updated version will install. Choosing “Cancel” will maintain your current extension version. This extension will have permission to:
Entity # all locales calendar • chrome • calendar •
Ina errur è succedida cun leger las datas dal chalender '%1$S'. El è ussa en il modus mo per lectura perquai che modificaziuns han per consequenza che datas pon ir a perder. Ti pos midar quest parameter cun tscherner 'Modifitgar il chalender'.
There has been an error reading data for calendar: %1$S. It has been placed in read-only mode, since changes to this calendar will likely result in data-loss. You may change this setting by choosing 'Edit Calendar'.
Entity # all locales devtools • client •
You don't have any saved presets, \ You can store filter presets by choosing a name and saving them. \ Presets are quickly accessible and you can re-use them with ease.
You don’t have any saved presets. \ You can store filter presets by choosing a name and saving them. \ Presets are quickly accessible and you can re-use them with ease.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
%S è vegnì actualisà. Ti stos approvar las novas autorisaziuns avant che la versiun actualisada vegn installada. Sche ti tschernas «Interrumper» vegn la versiun actuala dal supplement mantegnida.
%S has been updated. You must approve new permissions before the updated version will install. Choosing “Cancel” will maintain your current add-on version.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
Warning: Source string is missing
%S has been updated. You must approve new permissions before the updated version will install. Choosing “Cancel” will maintain your current extension version. This extension will have permission to:
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • aboutRights.ftl
Tschertas funcziuns da { -brand-short-name }, sco las annunzias da collaps, ta porschan la pussaivladad da dar in resun a { -vendor-short-name }. Cun la decisiun da trametter il resun lubeschas ti a { -vendor-short-name } dad utilisar il resun per meglierar ses products, da publitgar il resun sin sias paginas d'internet e da distribuir il resun.
Some features in { -brand-short-name }, such as the Crash Reporter, give you the option to provide feedback to { -vendor-short-name }. By choosing to submit feedback, you give { -vendor-short-name } permission to use the feedback to improve its products, to publish the feedback on its websites, and to distribute the feedback.
Entity # all locales mobile • android • chrome •
%S è vegnì actualisà. Ti stos approvar las novas autorisaziuns avant che la versiun actualisada vegn installada. Sche ti tschernas «Interrumper» vegn la versiun actuala dal supplement mantegnida.
%S has been updated. You must approve new permissions before the updated version will install. Choosing “Cancel” will maintain your current add-on version.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • branding • aboutRights.dtd
Warning: Source string is missing
Some features in &brandShortName;, such as the Crash Reporter, give you the option to provide feedback to &vendorShortName;. By choosing to submit feedback, you give &vendorShortName; permission to use the feedback to improve their applications, to publish the feedback on their websites, and to distribute the feedback.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutRights.ftl
Tschertas funcziuns da { -brand-short-name }, sco las annunzias da collaps, ta porschan la pussaivladad da dar in resun a { -vendor-short-name }. Cun la decisiun da trametter il resun lubeschas ti a { -vendor-short-name } dad utilisar il resun per meglierar ses products, da publitgar il resun sin sias paginas d'internet e da distribuir il resun.
Some features in { -brand-short-name }, such as the Crash Reporter, give you the option to provide feedback to { -vendor-short-name }. By choosing to submit feedback, you give { -vendor-short-name } permission to use the feedback to improve its products, to publish the feedback on its websites, and to distribute the feedback.
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