
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
ar { PLATFORM() -> [linux] غادِر *[other] اخرج } 🔍
be { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Выйсці *[other] Выйсці } 🔍
ca { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Surt *[other] Surt } 🔍
cak { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Tel *[other] Tel } 🔍
cs Ukončit 🔍
cy { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Gadael *[other] Gadael } 🔍
da { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Afslut *[other] Afslut } 🔍
de { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Beenden *[other] Beenden } 🔍
dsb { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Skóńcyś *[other] Skóńcyś } 🔍
el { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Έξοδος *[other] Έξοδος } 🔍
en-CA { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Quit *[other] Exit } 🔍
en-GB { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Quit *[other] Exit } 🔍
en-US { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Quit *[other] Exit } 🔍
eo { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Fini *[other] Fini } 🔍
es-AR { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Salir *[other] Salir } 🔍
es-CL { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Salir *[other] Salir } 🔍
es-ES { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Salir *[other] Salir } 🔍
fa { PLATFORM() -> [linux] خروج *[other] خروج } 🔍
fi { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Sulje selain *[other] Sulje selain } 🔍
fr Quitter 🔍
fy-NL { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Ofslute *[other] Ofslute } 🔍
gl { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Saír *[other] Saír } 🔍
gn { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Hejarei *[other] Ñesẽ } 🔍
he { PLATFORM() -> [linux] יציאה *[other] יציאה } 🔍
hr { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Izlaz *[other] Izlaz } 🔍
hsb { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Skónčić *[other] Skónčić } 🔍
hu { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Kilépés *[other] Kilépés } 🔍
ia { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Quitar *[other] Exir } 🔍
id { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Keluar *[other] Keluar } 🔍
it Esci 🔍
ja 終了 🔍
ja-JP-mac 終了 🔍
ka { PLATFORM() -> [linux] დახურვა *[other] გასვლა } 🔍
kab { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Eǧǧ *[other] Ffeɣ } 🔍
kk { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Шығу *[other] Шығу } 🔍
ko { PLATFORM() -> [linux] 종료 *[other] 종료 } 🔍
lt { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Išeiti *[other] Išeiti } 🔍
nb-NO { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Avslutt *[other] Avslutt } 🔍
nl { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Afsluiten *[other] Afsluiten } 🔍
nn-NO { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Avslutt *[other] Avslutt } 🔍
oc { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Quitar *[other] Sortir } 🔍
pa-IN { PLATFORM() -> [linux] ਬਾਹਰ *[other] ਬਾਹਰ } 🔍
pl { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Zakończ *[other] Zakończ } 🔍
pt-BR { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Sair *[other] Sair } 🔍
pt-PT { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Sair *[other] Sair } 🔍
rm { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Terminar *[other] Terminar } 🔍
ru { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Выход *[other] Выход } 🔍
sk { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Ukončiť *[other] Ukončiť } 🔍
sl { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Zapri *[other] Izhod } 🔍
sq { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Dilni *[other] Dalje } 🔍
sr Изађи 🔍
sv-SE { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Avsluta *[other] Avsluta } 🔍
szl { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Skōńcz *[other] Skōńcz } 🔍
te { PLATFORM() -> [linux] నిష్క్రమించు *[other] నిష్క్రమించు } 🔍
tg { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Хориҷ шудан *[other] Баромад } 🔍
th { PLATFORM() -> [linux] ออก *[other] ออก } 🔍
tr { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Çık *[other] Çık } 🔍
uk { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Вийти *[other] Вийти } 🔍
vi { PLATFORM() -> [linux] Thoát *[other] Thoát } 🔍
zh-CN { PLATFORM() -> [linux] 退出 *[other] 退出 } 🔍
zh-TW { PLATFORM() -> [linux] 離開 *[other] 結束 } 🔍
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