
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be [[Decline][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]] 🔍
ca [[Rebutja][Rebutja aquest oferiment DCC][%S]] 🔍
cs [[Decline][Odmítnout tuto DCC nabídku][%S]] 🔍
de [[Ablehnen][Dieses DCC-Angebot ablehnen][%S]] 🔍
en-CA [[Decline][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]] 🔍
en-GB [[Decline][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]] 🔍
en-US [[Decline][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]] 🔍
es-ES [[Decline][Declina (rechaza) esta oferta DCC][%S]] 🔍
fi [[Hylkää][Kieltäydy tästä DCC-tarjouksesta][%S]] 🔍
fr [[Décliner][Décliner cette offre DCC][%S]] 🔍
it [[Declina][Declina (rifiuta) questa offerta DCC][%S]] 🔍
ja [[拒否][この DCC オファーを拒否します][%S]] 🔍
ja-JP-mac [[拒否][この DCC オファーを拒否します][%S]] 🔍
nb-NO [[Avslå][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]] 🔍
pl [[Odrzuć][Odrzuć propozycję połączenia DCC][%S]] 🔍
pt-BR [[Recusar][Recusar este pedido de DCC][%S]] 🔍
pt-PT [[Recusar][Recusar este pedido de DCC][%S]] 🔍
ro [[Decline][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]] 🔍
ru [[Decline][ Отклонить (отказаться) от этого DCC-запроса][%S]] 🔍
si [[Decline][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]] 🔍
sk [[Odmietnuť][Odmietnuť túto ponuku DCC][%S]] 🔍
sv-SE [[Avslå][Avslår (nekar) detta DCC-erbjudande][%S]] 🔍
tr [[Decline][Decline (refuse) this DCC offer][%S]] 🔍
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