
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be xx=Наперад yy=Назад 🔍
ca xx=Endavant yy=Enrere 🔍
cs xx=Popř yy=Poz 🔍
de xx=Vordergrund yy=Hintergrund 🔍
en-CA xx=Fore yy=Back 🔍
en-GB xx=Fore yy=Back 🔍
en-US xx=Fore yy=Back 🔍
es-ES xx=Frente yy=Fondo 🔍
fi xx=edusta, yy=tausta 🔍
fr xx=Retour yy=Avancer 🔍
it xx=Avanti yy=Indietro 🔍
ja xx=進む yy=戻る 🔍
ja-JP-mac xx=進む yy=戻る 🔍
nb-NO xx=Forgrunn yy=Bakgrunn 🔍
pl xx=Przód yy=Tył 🔍
pt-BR xx=Primeiro plano yy=Fundo 🔍
pt-PT xx=Voltar yy=Avançar 🔍
ro xx=Fore yy=Back 🔍
ru xx=Вперёд yy=Назад 🔍
si xx=Fore yy=Back 🔍
sk xx=Popr yy=Poz 🔍
sv-SE xx=Förgrund yy=Bakgrund 🔍
tr xx=Fore yy=Back 🔍
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