
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
ach Nyuto { -brand-name-firefox } manyen pi { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
am አዲሱን { -brand-name-firefox } ለ { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } እናስተዋዉቃችሁ፡፡ 🔍
an Te presentamos lo NUEVO { -brand-name-firefox } pa { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
ar نقدّم { -brand-name-firefox } الجديد على { -brand-name-android }: ‏{ -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
be Прадстаўляем новы { -brand-name-firefox } для { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
ca Us presentem el nou { -brand-name-firefox } per a l'{ -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
cak Tatz'eta' ri K'AK'A' { -brand-name-firefox } richin { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
cs Představujeme NOVÝ { -brand-name-firefox(case: "acc") } pro { -brand-name-android(case: "acc") } — představujeme { -brand-name-firefox-daylight(case: "acc") }. 🔍
cy Dyma'r { -brand-name-firefox } ar gyfer { -brand-name-android } - { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } NEWYDD. 🔍
da Mød vores NYE { -brand-name-firefox } til { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
de Der NEUE { -brand-name-firefox } Browser für { -brand-name-android } ist da – { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
dsb Pśedstajamy NOWY { -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-android } – { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
el Γνωρίστε το ΝΕΟ { -brand-name-firefox } για { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
en Introducing the NEW { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
en-CA Introducing the NEW { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
en-GB Introducing the NEW { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
es-AR Presentamos el NUEVO { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android }, { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
es-CL El nuevo { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android } ya está aquí — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
es-ES Presentamos el NUEVO { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
es-MX El nuevo { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android } ya está aquí — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
fr Présentation du NOUVEAU { -brand-name-firefox } pour { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
fy-NL Kom yn de kunde mei de NIJE { -brand-name-firefox } foar { -brand-name-android } – { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
gl Presentamos o NOVO { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
gn Rohechauka { -brand-name-firefox } PYAHU { -brand-name-android } peg̃uarã — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
he גאים להציג את { -brand-name-firefox } החדש עבור { -brand-name-android } — ‏{ -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
hr Predstavljamo NOVI { -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-android } – { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
hsb Předstajamy NOWY { -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-android } – { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
hu Bemutatjuk az ÚJ { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android }ot – { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
ia Presentation del NOVE { -brand-name-firefox } pro { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
id Memperkenalkan { -brand-name-firefox } TERBARU untuk { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
it Ti presentiamo il NUOVO { -brand-name-firefox } per { -brand-name-android }: { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
ja 新しい { -brand-name-android } 版 { -brand-name-firefox } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } の紹介 🔍
ka თქვენ წინაშეა უახლესი { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-android }-ისთვის — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
kab Tazwert ɣef { -brand-name-firefox } AMAYNUT i { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
km ណែនាំឲ្យស្គាល់អំពី{ -brand-name-firefox } ថ្មី សម្រាប់ { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
ko { -brand-name-android }용 { -brand-name-firefox } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 소개 🔍
nb-NO Vi presenterer den NYE { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
nl Maak kennis met de NIEUWE { -brand-name-firefox } voor { -brand-name-android } – { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
nn-NO Vi presenterer den NYE { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
pa-IN { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } ਲਈ ਨਵੇਂ { -brand-name-firefox } ਨਾਲ ਜਾਣ-ਪਛਾਣ ਹੈ। 🔍
pl Oto { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } — NOWY { -brand-name-firefox } na { -brand-name-android(case: "acc") } 🔍
pt-BR Apresentamos o NOVO { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
pt-PT A apresentar o NOVO { -brand-name-firefox } para { -brand-name-android } - { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
rm Il NOV { -brand-name-firefox } per { -brand-name-android } è qua — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
ro Introducem NOUL { -brand-name-firefox } pentru { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
ru Представляем новый { -brand-name-firefox } для { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }. 🔍
sk Predstavujeme NOVÝ { -brand-name-firefox } pre { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
sl Predstavljamo NOVI { -brand-name-firefox } za { -brand-name-android } – { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
sq Ju paraqesim { -brand-name-firefox }-in e RI për { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
sr Представљамо НОВИ { -brand-name-firefox } за { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
sv-SE Vi presenterar den NYA { -brand-name-firefox } för { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
th ขอแนะนำ { -brand-name-firefox } สำหรับ { -brand-name-android } ใหม่ — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
tl Ipinakikilala ang BAGONG { -brand-name-firefox } para sa { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
tr Karşınızda { -brand-name-android } için { -brand-name-firefox }’un YENİ sürümü: { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
uk Представляємо НОВИЙ { -brand-name-firefox } для { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
vi Giới thiệu { -brand-name-firefox } MỚI dành cho { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
zh-CN 隆重介绍我们全新发布的 { -brand-name-android } 版 { -brand-name-firefox } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight }。 🔍
zh-TW 為您介紹全新 { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } — { -brand-name-firefox-daylight } 🔍
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