
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
cak { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: Tab'ana' ch'aqa' chik asamaj kik'in ri nïm silowäch. 🔍
cy Llun-mewn-Llun { -brand-name-firefox }: Gwnewch fwy gyda fideos sy'n popio allan 🔍
de { -brand-name-firefox } Bild-im-Bild: Mehr Möglichkeiten mit Pop-out-Videos 🔍
dsb Wobraz-we-wobrazu { -brand-name-firefox }: Cyńśo wěcej z wuměstnjonymi wideo 🔍
el Εικόνας εντός εικόνας { -brand-name-firefox }: Κάντε περισσότερα με αναδυόμενα βίντεο 🔍
en { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: Get more done with pop-out videos 🔍
en-CA { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: Get more done with pop-out videos 🔍
en-GB { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: Get more done with pop-out videos 🔍
es-AR { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: hacé más cosas con videos emergentes 🔍
es-CL { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: Haz más con vídeos flotantes 🔍
es-ES { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: Haz más con vídeos separados y siempre en primer plano 🔍
fy-NL { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: krij mear dien mei pop-outfideo’s 🔍
gn { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: ejapo hetave mba’e ta’ãngamýi iñapysẽva ndive 🔍
hsb Wobraz-we-wobrazu { -brand-name-firefox }: Čińće wjace z přeměstnjenymi widejemi 🔍
hu { -brand-name-firefox } kép a képben: Végezzen el több mindent a kiugró videókkal 🔍
ia Imagine annidate de { -brand-name-firefox }: face altere actiones con videos saltante foras 🔍
it Picture-in-Picture in { -brand-name-firefox }: fai ancora più cose grazie ai video separabili e sempre in primo piano 🔍
ka { -brand-name-firefox }. ეკრანი-ეკრანში: აკეთეთ მეტი ამომხტარი ვიდეოებით 🔍
nl { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: krijg meer gedaan met pop-outvideo’s 🔍
pl Obraz w obrazie w { -brand-name-firefox(case: "loc") }: zrób więcej dzięki wyskakującym filmom 🔍
pt-BR Picture-in-Picture do { -brand-name-firefox }: Faça mais com vídeos destacados da janela 🔍
pt-PT { -brand-name-firefox } vídeo em janela flutuante: faça mais, com vídeos em janelas independentes 🔍
ru «Картинка в картинке» в { -brand-name-firefox }: Успевайте больше с видео в отдельном окне 🔍
sq { -brand-name-firefox } Picture-in-Picture: Bëni më shumë punë me video hapur në flluska 🔍
sv-SE { -brand-name-firefox } bild-i-bild: Få mer gjort med popup-videor 🔍
uk { -brand-name-firefox } Зображення в зображенні: Робіть більше з відкріпленими відео 🔍
vi Hình trong hình trong { -brand-name-firefox }: Hoàn thành nhiều việc hơn với video bật ra 🔍
zh-CN { -brand-name-firefox } 画中画:弹出式视频助您事半功倍 🔍
zh-TW { -brand-name-firefox } 子母畫面功能:把影片彈出視窗,同時完成更多事 🔍
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