
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
ar امسح رمز QR ضوئيا ونزّل { -brand-name-firefox } على المحمول 🔍
cak Tatz'ajwachib'ej ri QR b'itz'ib' richin nak'ül { -brand-name-firefox } pan awoyonib'al 🔍
cs Naskenujte QR kód a získejte { -brand-name-firefox(case: "acc") } pro svůj mobil 🔍
cy Sganiwch y cod QR i gael { -brand-name-firefox } ar symudol 🔍
da Skan QR-koden for at hente { -brand-name-firefox } på mobilen 🔍
de Scannen Sie den QR-Code, um sich { -brand-name-firefox } für Mobilgeräte zu holen 🔍
dsb Skannujśo QR-kod, aby se { -brand-name-firefox } za mobilny rěd wobstarał 🔍
el Σαρώστε τον κωδικό QR για λήψη του { -brand-name-firefox } για κινητά 🔍
en Scan the QR code to get { -brand-name-firefox } on mobile 🔍
en-CA Scan the QR code to get { -brand-name-firefox } on mobile 🔍
en-GB Scan the QR code to get { -brand-name-firefox } on mobile 🔍
es-AR Escaneá el código QR para obtener { -brand-name-firefox } en tu celular 🔍
es-CL Escanea el código QR para obtener { -brand-name-firefox } para móviles. 🔍
es-ES Escanea el código QR para obtener { -brand-name-firefox } en tu móvil 🔍
fr Scannez le code QR pour installer { -brand-name-firefox } sur mobile 🔍
fy-NL Scan de QR-koade om { -brand-name-firefox } op mobyl te downloaden 🔍
gl Escanea o código QR para instalar o { -brand-name-firefox } no teu dispositivo móbil 🔍
gn Emoha’ãnga QR ayvu ereko hag̃ua { -brand-name-firefox } ne pumbyrýpe 🔍
hi-IN मोबाइल पर { -brand-name-firefox } पाने के लिए QR कोड स्कैन करें 🔍
hsb Skenujće QR-kod, zo byšće sej { -brand-name-firefox } za mobilny grat wobstarał 🔍
hu Olvassa le a QR-kódot, hogy beszerezze a { -brand-name-firefox }ot a mobiljára 🔍
ia Scande le codice QR pro installar { -brand-name-firefox } sur mobile 🔍
it Scansiona il codice QR per scaricare { -brand-name-firefox } sul cellulare 🔍
ka წააკითხეთ QR-კოდი { -brand-name-firefox }-ის მობილურზე მისაღებად 🔍
kab Smiḍen tangalt QR akken ad tawiḍ { -brand-name-firefox } deg uziraz 🔍
nb-NO Skann QR-koden for å få { -brand-name-firefox } på mobil 🔍
nl Scan de QR-code om { -brand-name-firefox } op mobiel te downloaden 🔍
nn-NO Skann QR-koden for å få { -brand-name-firefox } på mobil 🔍
pl Zeskanuj kod QR, aby pobrać { -brand-name-firefox(case: "acc") } na telefon 🔍
pt-BR Capture o código QR para instalar o { -brand-name-firefox } no celular 🔍
pt-PT Digitalize o código QR para obter o { -brand-name-firefox } para dispositivos móveis 🔍
ru Отсканируйте QR-код, чтобы загрузить { -brand-name-firefox } на смартфон 🔍
sk Naskenujte QR kód a získajte { -brand-name-firefox } pre mobil 🔍
sl Skenirajte kodo QR za prenos { -brand-name-firefox }a za mobilne naprave 🔍
sq Skanoni kodin QR që të merrni { -brand-name-firefox }-in në celular 🔍
sv-SE Skanna QR-koden för att få { -brand-name-firefox } på mobilen. 🔍
th สแกนรหัส QR เพื่อดาวน์โหลด { -brand-name-firefox } บนมือถือ 🔍
tr { -brand-name-firefox } uygulamasını indirmek için QR kodunu okutun 🔍
uk Скануйте QR-код, щоб отримати { -brand-name-firefox } на мобільний 🔍
vi Quét mã QR để tải { -brand-name-firefox } trên điện thoại di động 🔍
zh-CN 扫描二维码,立即下载 { -brand-name-firefox } 移动版 🔍
zh-TW 掃描這種 QR Code,下載 { -brand-name-firefox } 行動版 🔍
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