
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
cy Mae { -brand-name-firefox } yn helpu i gadw'ch llif cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn lân: 🔍
de { -brand-name-firefox } hilft dir, deine Feeds in sozialen Netzwerken sauber zu halten: 🔍
dsb { -brand-name-firefox } wam pomaga, waše kanale w socialnych seśach cyste źaržaś: 🔍
en { -brand-name-firefox } helps to keep your social media feeds clean: 🔍
en-CA { -brand-name-firefox } helps to keep your social media feeds clean: 🔍
en-GB { -brand-name-firefox } helps to keep your social media feeds clean: 🔍
es-AR { -brand-name-firefox } te ayuda a mantener limpios tus canales de redes sociales: 🔍
es-CL { -brand-name-firefox } te ayuda a mantener limpias tus redes sociales: 🔍
es-ES { -brand-name-firefox } te ayuda a mantener tus redes sociales limpias: 🔍
gn { -brand-name-firefox } oipytyvõ ipotĩ hag̃ua nde feeds ava ñandutieta: 🔍
hsb { -brand-name-firefox } wam pomha, waše kanale w socialnych syćach čiste dźeržeć: 🔍
hu A { -brand-name-firefox } segít a közösségi médiában használt hírcsatornái tisztán tartásában: 🔍
ia { -brand-name-firefox } adjuta a mantener munde le avisos de tu retes social: 🔍
it { -brand-name-firefox } ti aiuta a tenere puliti i feed dei tuoi social media: 🔍
ka { -brand-name-firefox } გეხმარებათ, სოც. ქსელით მოწოდებული მასალის გაწმენდაში: 🔍
nl { -brand-name-firefox } helpt u de tijdlijnen op uw sociale media schoon te houden: 🔍
pt-BR O { -brand-name-firefox } te ajuda a manter limpas suas redes sociais: 🔍
ru { -brand-name-firefox } помогает поддерживать чистоту ваших лент в социальных сетях: 🔍
sq { -brand-name-firefox }-i ju ndihmon të mbani të pastra prurjet tuaja nga media shoqërore: 🔍
sv-SE { -brand-name-firefox } hjälper dig att hålla dina sociala medieflöden rena: 🔍
tr { -brand-name-firefox }, sosyal medya akışlarınızı temiz tutmanıza yardımcı olur: 🔍
uk { -brand-name-firefox } допомагає підтримувати ваші стрічки суспільних мереж чистими: 🔍
vi { -brand-name-firefox } giúp giữ sạch nguồn cấp dữ liệu mạng xã hội của bạn: 🔍
zh-CN { -brand-name-firefox } 可帮助您使社交媒体的推送内容免受污染: 🔍
zh-TW { -brand-name-firefox } 會幫助讓您的社群網路河道保持乾淨: 🔍
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