
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be Ваша жыццё, ваш справа. { -brand-name-firefox } блакуе трэцебаковыя кукі сачэння на { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
bs Tvoj život, tvoj posao. { -brand-name-firefox } blokira kolačiće treće strane za praćenje na { -brand-name-linux }u. 🔍
cak Ak'aslem, ak'ayij. { -brand-name-firefox } yeruq'ät taq rukuki ojqanem kichin aj rox winäq pa { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
cs Váš život, vaše věc. { -brand-name-firefox } na { -brand-name-linux(case: "loc") } blokuje sledovací cookies třetích stran. 🔍
cy Eich bywyd, eich busnes. Mae { -brand-name-firefox } yn rhwystro cwcis tracio trydydd parti ar { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
da Dit liv på nettet angår kun dig. { -brand-name-firefox } til { -brand-name-linux } blokerer sporings-cookies fra tredjepart. 🔍
de Was du online machst, geht nur dich etwas an. { -brand-name-firefox } blockiert in { -brand-name-linux } Cookies von Drittanbietern. 🔍
dsb Wašo žywjenje, wašo pśedewześe. { -brand-name-firefox } slědujuce cookieje tśeśich na { -brand-name-linux } blokěrujo. 🔍
el Η ζωή σας αφορά μόνο εσάς. Το { -brand-name-firefox } αποκλείει τα cookies παρακολούθησης τρίτων στο { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
en Your life, your business. { -brand-name-firefox } blocks third-party tracking cookies on { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
en-CA Your life, your business. { -brand-name-firefox } blocks third-party tracking cookies on { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
en-GB Your life, your business. { -brand-name-firefox } blocks third-party tracking cookies on { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
es-AR Tu vida, tu negocio. { -brand-name-firefox } bloquea las cookies de rastreo de terceros en { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
es-CL Tu vida, tu negocio. { -brand-name-firefox } bloquea las cookies de rastreo de terceros en { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
es-ES Tu vida es tuya nada más. { -brand-name-firefox } bloquea cookies de rastreo de terceros en { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
es-MX Tu vida solo te incumbe a ti. { -brand-name-firefox } bloquea las «cookies» de seguimiento de terceros en { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
et Sinu elu on sinu asi. { -brand-name-firefox } blokib kolmanda osapoole küpsised { -brand-name-linux }il. 🔍
eu Zure bizitza, zure kontua. { -brand-name-firefox }ek hirugarrengoen jarraipendun cookieak blokeatzen ditu { -brand-name-linux }en. 🔍
ff Nguurndam maa, ngoƴa maa. { -brand-name-firefox } ina faloo kuukiije janane dewindotooɗe e { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
fr Votre vie ne regarde que vous. Sous { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-firefox } bloque les cookies tiers qui vous pistent. 🔍
fy-NL Jo libben, so saken. { -brand-name-firefox } blokkearret trackingcookies fan tredden op { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
gl A túa vida é cousa túa. O { -brand-name-firefox } bloquea os testemuños de rastrexo de terceiros en { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
gn Nde rekove, ne ñemuha. { -brand-name-firefox } ojoko kookie rapykuehoha mbohapyháva { -brand-name-linux }-pe 🔍
gu-IN તમારું જીવન, તમારો વ્યવસાય. { -brand-name-firefox } { -brand-name-linux } પર તૃતીય પક્ષ ટ્રેકિંગ કુકીઝને અવરોધિત કરે છે. 🔍
hr Tvoj život, tvoj posao. { -brand-name-firefox } blokira kolačiće trećih strana za praćenje na { -brand-name-linux }u. 🔍
hsb Waše žiwjenje, waš wobchod. { -brand-name-firefox } slědowace placki třećich na { -brand-name-linux } blokuje. 🔍
hu Az Ön élete, az Ön dolga. A { -brand-name-firefox } blokkolja a harmadik féltől származó követősütiket { -brand-name-linux }on. 🔍
ia Tu vita, tu affaires. { -brand-name-firefox } bloca le cookies de traciamento de tertios sur { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
id Hidup Anda, bisnis Anda. { -brand-name-firefox } memblokir kuki pelacakan pihak ketiga di { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
it La tua vita è affar tuo. { -brand-name-firefox } blocca i cookie traccianti di terze parti su { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
ka თქვენი ცხოვრება, თქვენი საქმეა. { -brand-name-firefox } ზღუდავს მესამე მხარის მეთვალყურე ფუნთუშებს { -brand-name-linux }-ზე. 🔍
kab Tudert-ik ala kečč i teɛna. Deg { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-firefox } yessewḥal inagan n tuqqna i k-yeṭṭafaṛen. 🔍
ko 사용자의 삶, 사용자의 일. { -brand-name-firefox }는 { -brand-name-linux }에서 제 3자 추적 쿠키를 차단합니다. 🔍
lt Jūsų gyvenimas – jūsų reikalas. „{ -brand-name-firefox }“ blokuoja trečiųjų šalių slapukus „{ -brand-name-linux }“ sistemose. 🔍
mr आपले जीवन, आपला विषय. { -brand-name-linux } वर तृतीय-पक्षाच्या कुकीज { -brand-name-firefox } अवरोधित करतो. 🔍
my သင့်အတွက် { -brand-name-firefox } သည် အခြားနောက်ယောင်ခံကွတ်ကီးများကို { -brand-name-linux } ပေါ်တွင်ပိတ်ဆို့ထားသည်။ 🔍
nb-NO Ditt liv på nettet angår kun deg. { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-linux } blokkerer infokapsler fra tredjepart. 🔍
nl Uw leven, uw zaken. { -brand-name-firefox } blokkeert trackingcookies van derden op { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
nn-NO Ditt liv, din business. { -brand-name-firefox } blokkerer sporingskapslar frå tredjepart på { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
pa-IN ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਜੀਵਨ, ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਕੰਮ। { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-linux } ’ਤੇ ਥਰਡ-ਪਾਰਟੀ ਟਰੈਕਿੰਗ ਕੂਕੀਜ਼ ਤੇ ਰੋਕ ਲਾਉਂਦਾ ਹੈ। 🔍
pl Twoje życie, Twoja sprawa. { -brand-name-firefox } blokuje śledzące ciasteczka zewnętrznych witryn na { -brand-name-linux(case: "loc") }. 🔍
pt-BR Sua vida é da sua conta. O { -brand-name-firefox } bloqueia cookies de rastreamento de terceiros no { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
pt-PT A sua vida só a si lhe diz respeito. O { -brand-name-firefox } bloqueia os cookies de monitorização de terceiros no { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
rm Tia vita – tes affar. { -brand-name-firefox } blochescha cookies da terzas partidas che fastizeschan sin { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
ro Viața ta, treaba ta. { -brand-name-firefox } blochează pe { -brand-name-linux } cookie-urile de urmărire ale terților. 🔍
ru Ваша жизнь, ваше личное дело. { -brand-name-firefox } блокирует сторонние отслеживающие куки на { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
sk Váš život, vaša vec. { -brand-name-firefox } blokuje sledovacie cookies tretích strán na { -brand-name-linux }e. 🔍
sl Vaše življenje, vaša stvar. { -brand-name-firefox } v { -brand-name-linux }u zavrača sledilne piškotke tretjih strani. 🔍
sq Punët tuaja, biznesi juaj. { -brand-name-firefox }-i i bllokon cooki-et për gjurmim nga palë të treta në { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
sr Ваш живот, ваш бизнис. { -brand-name-firefox } блокира колачиће трећих страна на { -brand-name-linux }-у. 🔍
sv-SE Ditt liv, din angelägenhet. { -brand-name-firefox } blockerar spårningskakor från tredje part på { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
ta உங்கள் வாழ்க்கை, உங்களுடையது. { -brand-name-firefox } இலினக்சில் மூன்றாம் தரப்பு பின்தொடரல் நினைவிகளைத் தடுக்கிறது. 🔍
th ชีวิตของคุณ ธุรกิจของคุณ { -brand-name-firefox } ปิดกั้นคุกกี้จากบุคคลที่สามที่ติดตามบน { -brand-name-linux } 🔍
tr İnternetteki hayatın başkalarını ilgilendirmez. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-linux }’ta da üçüncü taraf takip çerezlerini engeller. 🔍
uk Ваше життя стосується лише вас. { -brand-name-firefox } блокує сторонні куки стеження на { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
vi Cuộc sống của bạn, doanh nghiệp của bạn. { -brand-name-firefox } chặn cookie theo dõi của bên thứ ba trên { -brand-name-linux }. 🔍
zh-CN 您的生活您做主。{ -brand-name-firefox } 会在 { -brand-name-linux } 拦截来自第三方的跟踪性 Cookie。 🔍
zh-TW 讓您自行控管你的生活。{ -brand-name-firefox } 會於 { -brand-name-linux } 封鎖來自第三方的追蹤用 Cookie。 🔍
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