
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
cak Richin nachajij ri rub'i' ataqoya'l k'o man k'ayew ta — chuqa' yaruto' ri { -brand-name-firefox }. 🔍
cy Does dim rhaid i ddiogelu eich cyfrifon fod yn gymhleth - a gall { -brand-name-firefox } eich helpu. 🔍
de Der Schutz Ihrer Konten muss nicht kompliziert sein – und { -brand-name-firefox } hilft Ihnen dabei. 🔍
dsb Šćitanje wašych kontow njetrjeba komplicěrowane byś – a { -brand-name-firefox } móžo pomagaś. 🔍
el Η προστασία των λογαριασμών σας δεν χρειάζεται να είναι περίπλοκη — και το { -brand-name-firefox } μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει. 🔍
en Protecting your accounts doesn’t have to be complicated — and { -brand-name-firefox } can help. 🔍
en-CA Protecting your accounts doesn’t have to be complicated — and { -brand-name-firefox } can help. 🔍
en-GB Protecting your accounts doesn’t have to be complicated — and { -brand-name-firefox } can help. 🔍
es-AR Proteger tus cuentas no tiene que ser complicado y { -brand-name-firefox } puede ayudar. 🔍
es-CL Proteger tus cuentas no tiene por qué ser complicado — y { -brand-name-firefox } puede ayudarte. 🔍
es-ES Proteger tus cuentas no tiene por qué ser complicado — y { -brand-name-firefox } puede ayudarte. 🔍
fr Protéger vos comptes n’est pas forcément compliqué et { -brand-name-firefox } peut vous y aider 🔍
fy-NL It beskermjen fan jo accounts hoecht net yngewikkeld te wêzen – en { -brand-name-firefox } kin hjirby helpe. 🔍
gn Ne mba’ete ñemo’ã natekotevẽi hasývo ijejapo — ha { -brand-name-firefox } ne pytyvõkuaa upevarã. 🔍
hsb Škitanje wašich kontow njetrjeba komplikowane być – a { -brand-name-firefox } móže pomhać. 🔍
hu A fiókok védelmének nem kell bonyolultnak lennie – és a { -brand-name-firefox } segíthet. 🔍
ia Proteger tu contos non debe esser complicate e { -brand-name-firefox } pote adjutar. 🔍
it Proteggere i tuoi account non dovrebbe essere complicato: { -brand-name-firefox } può darti una mano. 🔍
ka თქვენი ანგარიშების დაცვა არ უნდა იყოს რთული — { -brand-name-firefox } დაგეხმარებათ. 🔍
kab Ammesten n yimiḍanen-inek·inem ur ilaq ara ad yiwɛir — yerna { -brand-name-firefox } yezmer ad ak·akem-iɛawen. 🔍
ko 계정 보호는 복잡 할 필요가 없습니다. { -brand-name-firefox }가 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 🔍
nl Het beschermen van uw accounts hoeft niet ingewikkeld te zijn – en { -brand-name-firefox } kan hierbij helpen. 🔍
pt-BR Proteger suas contas não precisa ser complicado, o { -brand-name-firefox } pode ajudar. 🔍
ru Защита ваших аккаунтов не должна быть сложной — { -brand-name-firefox } может помочь. 🔍
sq Mrbojtja e llogarive tuaja s’ka pse të jetë e ndërlikuar — dhe { -brand-name-firefox }-i mund të vijë në ndihmë. 🔍
sv-SE Att skydda dina konton behöver inte vara komplicerat — och { -brand-name-firefox } kan hjälpa dig. 🔍
tr Hesaplarınızı korumak bu kadar karmaşık olmak zorunda değil. { -brand-name-firefox } size yardımcı olabilir. 🔍
uk Захист своїх облікових записів не повинен бути складним — { -brand-name-firefox } може допомогти. 🔍
vi Việc bảo vệ tài khoản của bạn không cần phải phức tạp — và { -brand-name-firefox } có thể giúp bạn. 🔍
zh-CN 保护账号并不难,{ -brand-name-firefox } 可帮忙。 🔍
zh-TW 保護帳號沒有那麼難,讓 { -brand-name-firefox } 來幫忙。 🔍
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