
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
cak Ri nik'atzin chawe richin ri { -brand-name-firefox-sync } ja ri jun { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
cy Y cyfan sydd ei angen arnoch ar gyfer { -brand-name-firefox-sync } yw cyfrif { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
de Alles, was Sie für { -brand-name-firefox-sync } benötigen, ist ein { -brand-name-firefox-account } 🔍
dsb Wšykno, což za { -brand-name-firefox-sync } trjebaśo, jo { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
el Χρειάζεστε μόνο έναν { -brand-name-firefox-account(case: "acc", capitalization: "lower") } για το { -brand-name-firefox-sync }. 🔍
en All you need for { -brand-name-firefox-sync } is a { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
en-CA All you need for { -brand-name-firefox-sync } is a { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
en-GB All you need for { -brand-name-firefox-sync } is a { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
es-AR Lo único que necesitás para { -brand-name-firefox-sync } es una { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
es-CL Todo lo que necesitas para { -brand-name-firefox-sync } es una { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
es-ES Lo único que necesitas para { -brand-name-firefox-sync } es una { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
fr Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour configurer { -brand-name-firefox-sync } est d’un { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
fy-NL It iennige dat jo nedich hawwe foar { -brand-name-firefox-sync } is in { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
gl Todo o que precisas para o { -brand-name-firefox-sync } é unha { -brand-name-firefox-account } 🔍
gn Opamba’e eikotevéva { -brand-name-firefox-sync } peg̃uarã ha’e { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
he כל מה שצריך עבור { -brand-name-firefox-sync } הוא { -brand-name-firefox-account(case: "a") }. 🔍
hsb Wšitko, štož za { -brand-name-firefox-sync } trjebaće, je { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
hu A { -brand-name-firefox-sync } használatához csak egy { -brand-name-firefox-account }ra van szüksége. 🔍
ia Pro usar { -brand-name-firefox-sync } tu besonia solo de un { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
it Per usare { -brand-name-firefox-sync } ti serve soltanto un { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
ka მხოლოდ { -brand-name-firefox-account } გესაჭიროებათ { -brand-name-firefox-sync }-ისთვის 🔍
kab Ayen akk i teḥwaǧeḍ i { -brand-name-firefox-sync } d { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
nl Het enige dat u nodig hebt voor { -brand-name-firefox-sync } is een { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
pl Wszystko, czego potrzebujesz do { -brand-name-firefox-sync(case: "gen", capitalization: "lower") } to { -brand-name-firefox-account(case: "nom", capitalization: "lower") }. 🔍
pt-BR Tudo que você precisa para usar o { -brand-name-firefox-sync } é uma { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
ru Всё, что вам нужно для { -brand-name-firefox-sync(case: "genitive") } — { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
sk Na používanie služby { -brand-name-firefox-sync } vám stačí { -brand-name-firefox-account(capitalization: "lower") }. 🔍
sl Vse, kar potrebujete za { -brand-name-firefox-sync }, je { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
sq Krejt çka ju duhet për { -brand-name-firefox-sync } është një { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
sv-SE Allt du behöver för { -brand-name-firefox-sync } är ett { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
tr { -brand-name-firefox-sync } için ihtiyacınız olan tek şey bir { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
uk Все, що вам потрібно для { -brand-name-firefox-sync }, це { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
vi Tất cả những gì bạn cần cho { -brand-name-firefox-sync } là { -brand-name-firefox-account }. 🔍
zh-CN 只需一个 { -brand-name-firefox-account },即可畅用 { -brand-name-firefox-sync }服务。 🔍
zh-TW 只需要註冊一組 { -brand-name-firefox-account }即可使用 { -brand-name-firefox-sync }。 🔍
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