
All translations for this string:


Locale Translation  
be { $packets -> [one] Адпраўлены { $packets } пакет [few] Адпраўлена { $packets } пакеты *[many] Адпраўлена { $packets } пакетаў } 🔍
cak { $packets -> [one] Xtaq { $packets } pisoj *[other] Xetaq { $packets } taq pisoj } 🔍
cs { $packets -> [one] Odeslán { $packets } paket [few] Odeslány { $packets } pakety *[other] Odesláno { $packets } paketů } 🔍
cy { $packets -> [zero] Heb anfon unrhyw becyn [one] Wedi anfon { $packets } pecyn [two] Wedi anfon { $packets } pecyn [few] Wedi anfon { $packets } pecyn [many] Wedi anfon { $packets } pecyn *[other] Wedi anfon { $packets } pecyn } 🔍
da { $packets -> [one] Sendte { $packets } pakke *[other] Sendte { $packets } pakker } 🔍
de { $packets -> [one] { $packets } Paket gesendet *[other] { $packets } Pakete gesendet } 🔍
dsb { $packets -> [one] { $packets } paket pósłany [two] { $packets } paketa pósłanej [few] { $packets } pakety pósłane *[other] { $packets } paketow pósłane } 🔍
el { $packets -> [one] Απεστάλη { $packets } πακέτο *[other] Απεστάλησαν { $packets } πακέτα } 🔍
en-CA { $packets -> [one] Sent { $packets } packet *[other] Sent { $packets } packets } 🔍
en-GB { $packets -> [one] Sent { $packets } packet *[other] Sent { $packets } packets } 🔍
en-US { $packets -> [one] Sent { $packets } packet *[other] Sent { $packets } packets } 🔍
eo { $packets -> [one] { $packets } paketo sendita *[other] { $packets } paketoj senditaj } 🔍
es-AR { $packets -> [one] Paquete { $packets } enviado *[other] Paquetes { $packets } enviados } 🔍
es-CL { $packets -> [one] { $packets } paquete enviado *[other] { $packets } paquetes enviados } 🔍
es-ES { $packets -> [one] { $packets } paquete enviado *[other] { $packets } paquetes enviados } 🔍
fi { $packets -> [one] Lähetetty { $packets } paketti *[other] Lähetetty { $packets } pakettia } 🔍
fr { $packets -> [one] Un paquet envoyé *[other] { $packets } paquets envoyés } 🔍
fy-NL { $packets -> [one] { $packets } pakket ferstjoerd *[other] { $packets } pakketten ferstjoerd } 🔍
gl { $packets -> [one] Enviouse { $packets } paquete *[other] Enviáronse { $packets } paquetes } 🔍
gn { $packets -> [one] Emondo { $packets } ñapytĩmby *[other] Emondo { $packets } ñapytĩmbykuéra } 🔍
hsb { $packets -> [one] { $packets } paket pósłany [two] { $packets } paketaj pósłanej [few] { $packets } pakety pósłane *[other] { $packets } paketow pósłane } 🔍
hu { $packets -> [one] { $packets } csomag elküldve *[other] { $packets } csomag elküldve } 🔍
ia { $packets -> [one] { $packets } pacchetto inviate *[other] { $packets } pacchettos inviate } 🔍
id { $packets -> *[other] { $packets } paket dikirim } 🔍
it { $packets -> [one] { $packets } pacchetto inviato *[other] { $packets } pacchetti inviati } 🔍
ja { $packets -> [one] { $packets } パケット送信 *[other] { $packets } パケット送信 } 🔍
ja-JP-mac { $packets -> [one] { $packets } パケット送信 *[other] { $packets } パケット送信 } 🔍
ka { $packets -> [one] გაიგზავნა { $packets } პაკეტი *[other] გაიგზავნა { $packets } პაკეტი } 🔍
kab { $packets -> [one] Yettwazen ukemmus { $packets } *[other] Ttwaznen yikemmusen { $packets } } 🔍
kk { $packets -> *[other] { $packets } десте жіберілді } 🔍
ko { $packets -> *[other] 보낸 { $packets } 패킷 } 🔍
lt { $packets -> [one] Išsiųstas { $packets } duomenų paketas [few] Išsiųsti { $packets } duomenų paketai *[other] Išsiųsta { $packets } duomenų paketų } 🔍
nb-NO { $packets -> [one] Sendt { $packets } pakke *[other] Sendte { $packets } pakker } 🔍
nl { $packets -> [one] { $packets } pakket verzonden *[other] { $packets } pakketten verzonden } 🔍
nn-NO { $packets -> [one] Send { $packets } pakke *[other] Sende { $packets } pakkar } 🔍
oc { $packets -> [one] Un paquet enviat *[other] { $packets } paquets enviats } 🔍
pl { $packets -> [one] Wysłano { $packets } pakiet [few] Wysłano { $packets } pakiety *[many] Wysłano { $packets } pakietów } 🔍
pt-BR { $packets -> [one] { $packets } pacote enviado *[other] { $packets } pacotes enviados } 🔍
pt-PT { $packets -> [one] { $packets } pacote enviado *[other] { $packets } pacotes enviados } 🔍
rm { $packets -> [one] Tramess { $packets } pachet *[other] Tramess { $packets } pachets } 🔍
ru { $packets -> [one] Отправлен { $packets } пакет [few] Отправлено { $packets } пакета *[many] Отправлено { $packets } пакетов } 🔍
sq { $packets -> [one] U dërgua { $packets } paketë *[other] U dërguan { $packets } paketa } 🔍
sv-SE { $packets -> [one] Skickade { $packets } paket *[other] Skickade { $packets } paket } 🔍
th { $packets -> *[other] ส่งแล้ว { $packets } แพ็กเก็ต } 🔍
tr { $packets -> [one] { $packets } paket gönderildi *[other] { $packets } paket gönderildi } 🔍
uk { $packets -> [one] Надіслано { $packets } пакет [few] Надіслано { $packets } пакети *[many] Надіслано { $packets } пакетів } 🔍
zh-CN { $packets -> *[other] 已发送 { $packets } 个包 } 🔍
zh-TW { $packets -> *[other] 已送出 { $packets } 個封包 } 🔍
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