
Displaying 52 results for the string Important in en-US:

Entity en-US en-US
Entity # all locales browser • browser • newInstallPage.ftl
Important News
Important News
Entity # all locales browser • chrome • browser • newInstall.dtd
Important News
Important News
Entity # all locales browser • updater • updater.ini
The Mozilla Maintenance Service ensures that you have the latest and most secure version of Mozilla Firefox on your computer. Keeping Firefox up to date is very important for your online security, and Mozilla strongly recommends that you keep this service enabled.
The Mozilla Maintenance Service ensures that you have the latest and most secure version of Mozilla Firefox on your computer. Keeping Firefox up to date is very important for your online security, and Mozilla strongly recommends that you keep this service enabled.
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • layout •
Transform animation cannot be run on the compositor because transform-related properties are overridden by !important rules
Transform animation cannot be run on the compositor because transform-related properties are overridden by !important rules
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Copy &Important Messages
Copy &Important Messages
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Any message marked as "important" will be copied to the network view. It allows you to quickly see messages that were addressed to you when you were away from the computer.
Any message marked as "important" will be copied to the network view. It allows you to quickly see messages that were addressed to you when you were away from the computer.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Copy important messages
Copy important messages
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Important message
Important message
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
A list of words that will cause a line to be marked "important" and will try to get your attention if "Aggressive notify" is turned on.
A list of words that will cause a line to be marked "important" and will try to get your attention if "Aggressive notify" is turned on.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • messengercompose •
Your message can be converted to plain text without losing important information. However, the plain text version might look different from what you saw in the composer.
Your message can be converted to plain text without losing important information. However, the plain text version might look different from what you saw in the composer.
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • newInstall.ftl
Important News
Important News
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • newInstallPage.ftl
Important News
Important News
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • openpgp • backupKeyPassword.ftl
<b>Important!</b> If you forget your secret key backup password, you will not be able to restore this backup later. Please record it in a safe location.
<b>Important!</b> If you forget your secret key backup password, you will not be able to restore this backup later. Please record it in a safe location.
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • preferences • colors.ftl
{ PLATFORM() -> [macos] width: 41em !important *[other] width: 38em !important }
{ PLATFORM() -> [macos] width: 41em !important *[other] width: 38em !important }
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • preferences • connection.ftl
{ PLATFORM() -> [macos] width: 44em !important *[other] width: 49em !important }
{ PLATFORM() -> [macos] width: 44em !important *[other] width: 49em !important }
Entity # all locales security • manager • security • pippki • pippki.ftl
Important: If you forget your certificate backup password, you will not be able to restore this backup later. Please record it in a safe location.
Important: If you forget your certificate backup password, you will not be able to restore this backup later. Please record it in a safe location.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • pref • pref-popups.dtd
Note: Blocking all popups may prevent important features of some websites from working, such as login windows for banks and shopping websites. For details of how to allow specific websites to use popups while blocking all others, click Help. Even if blocked, websites may use other methods to show popups.
Note: Blocking all popups may prevent important features of some websites from working, such as login windows for banks and shopping websites. For details of how to allow specific websites to use popups while blocking all others, click Help. Even if blocked, websites may use other methods to show popups.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews • compose •
Your message can be converted to plain text without losing important information. However, the plain text version might look different from what you saw in the composer.
Your message can be converted to plain text without losing important information. However, the plain text version might look different from what you saw in the composer.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews • pref • pref-tags.dtd
Tags can be used to categorize and prioritize your messages. Modify the appearance and importance of tags using the settings below. Tags near the top are more important than those further down.
Tags can be used to categorize and prioritize your messages. Modify the appearance and importance of tags using the settings below. Tags near the top are more important than those further down.
Entity # all locales toolkit • chrome • mozapps • extensions •
An important update is available for %1$S.
An important update is available for %1$S.
Entity # all locales toolkit • chrome • mozapps • extensions •
An important update is available for %1$S.
An important update is available for %1$S.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutSupport.ftl
Important Locked Preferences
Important Locked Preferences
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutSupport.ftl
Important Modified Preferences
Important Modified Preferences
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • all.ftl
Choose a 64-bit installer for computers with 64-bit processors, which allow them to allocate more RAM to individual programs — particularly important for games and other demanding applications.
Choose a 64-bit installer for computers with 64-bit processors, which allow them to allocate more RAM to individual programs — particularly important for games and other demanding applications.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
Choosing the best browser for you is a lot like choosing a home. You want to explore your options, do some research and make a decision based on what’s important to you.
Choosing the best browser for you is a lot like choosing a home. You want to explore your options, do some research and make a decision based on what’s important to you.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
The internet has become as essential as electricity and running water, so choosing the best browser for you is more important than ever. The internet is a second office, a teacher and sometimes a medical advisor, even if your actual doctor would prefer you didn’t look up your symptoms online.
The internet has become as essential as electricity and running water, so choosing the best browser for you is more important than ever. The internet is a second office, a teacher and sometimes a medical advisor, even if your actual doctor would prefer you didn’t look up your symptoms online.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
We visit hundreds or even thousands of websites each day, and you can’t expect users to make security and privacy decisions for each of these sites. That is why a browser that gives you more control is so important - because it offers real, meaningful protection.
We visit hundreds or even thousands of websites each day, and you can’t expect users to make security and privacy decisions for each of these sites. That is why a browser that gives you more control is so important - because it offers real, meaningful protection.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • edge.ftl
Aside from sucking up a lot of computing power, { -brand-name-edge } running on { -brand-name-chromium } has answered a lot of users’ needs for functionality and features. But there’s still a lot to account for in terms of the browser’s privacy protections. It’s our assessment that { -brand-name-firefox } is still a better choice for most people to use in their daily lives, based not only on functionality but more importantly on our transparency in how we collect user data, what exactly we collect, and what we do with it. Because our parent company is <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, a non-profit organization dedicated to internet privacy and freedom, we simply have a different set of priorities when it comes to users’ data.
Aside from sucking up a lot of computing power, { -brand-name-edge } running on { -brand-name-chromium } has answered a lot of users’ needs for functionality and features. But there’s still a lot to account for in terms of the browser’s privacy protections. It’s our assessment that { -brand-name-firefox } is still a better choice for most people to use in their daily lives, based not only on functionality but more importantly on our transparency in how we collect user data, what exactly we collect, and what we do with it. Because our parent company is <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, a non-profit organization dedicated to internet privacy and freedom, we simply have a different set of priorities when it comes to users’ data.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • edge.ftl
Both browsers are relatively equal in terms of data encryption. However, if online privacy and transparency are important to you, then { -brand-name-firefox } is clearly a better choice here.
Both browsers are relatively equal in terms of data encryption. However, if online privacy and transparency are important to you, then { -brand-name-firefox } is clearly a better choice here.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • index.ftl
Using a browser that blocks third-party trackers isn’t just important for privacy — it usually means it runs much faster, too. Most trackers are just scripts that run in the background on a number of websites. You can’t see them, but you can feel them slowing down your browser. As of version 67 of { -brand-name-firefox }, fingerprinting and cryptominers are also blocked. If you’re not familiar with cryptominers, here’s an example of how they can affect you: maybe you’ve experienced your computer suddenly running hotter or the battery depleting faster than normal. That’s often the byproduct of cryptominers creeping around on your device.
Using a browser that blocks third-party trackers isn’t just important for privacy — it usually means it runs much faster, too. Most trackers are just scripts that run in the background on a number of websites. You can’t see them, but you can feel them slowing down your browser. As of version 67 of { -brand-name-firefox }, fingerprinting and cryptominers are also blocked. If you’re not familiar with cryptominers, here’s an example of how they can affect you: maybe you’ve experienced your computer suddenly running hotter or the battery depleting faster than normal. That’s often the byproduct of cryptominers creeping around on your device.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
Both { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-opera } are compatible across every platform including { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }. { -brand-name-firefox } account holders can easily sync their bookmarks, passwords, open tabs, and browsing history across all their signed into devices. The same is true for { -brand-name-opera } users with an account. However, many sites, especially old sites that haven’t been updated in years, block the latest version of { -brand-name-opera } entirely. So if visiting places like your Ex’s old blog is important, take heed, you may not be able to access some of the dustier corners of the internet if you use { -brand-name-opera }.
Both { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-opera } are compatible across every platform including { -brand-name-windows }, { -brand-name-mac }, { -brand-name-linux }, { -brand-name-android } and { -brand-name-ios }. { -brand-name-firefox } account holders can easily sync their bookmarks, passwords, open tabs, and browsing history across all their signed into devices. The same is true for { -brand-name-opera } users with an account. However, many sites, especially old sites that haven’t been updated in years, block the latest version of { -brand-name-opera } entirely. So if visiting places like your Ex’s old blog is important, take heed, you may not be able to access some of the dustier corners of the internet if you use { -brand-name-opera }.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
All browser makers develop their products to display images and video as quickly and smoothly as possible, making it easy for you to make the most of the web. They all work hard to make sure users have a browser that is fast, powerful and easy to use. Where they differ is why. It’s important to choose the right browser for you. { -brand-name-mozilla } builds { -brand-name-firefox } to ensure that users have control over their online lives and to ensure that the internet is a global, public resource, accessible to all.
All browser makers develop their products to display images and video as quickly and smoothly as possible, making it easy for you to make the most of the web. They all work hard to make sure users have a browser that is fast, powerful and easy to use. Where they differ is why. It’s important to choose the right browser for you. { -brand-name-mozilla } builds { -brand-name-firefox } to ensure that users have control over their online lives and to ensure that the internet is a global, public resource, accessible to all.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
It’s important that everyone has access to the web, but it’s also vital that we all <a href="{ $tools }">understand the tools</a> we use to access it. We use web browsers like { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-apple } { -brand-name-safari } every day, but do we understand what they are and how they work?
It’s important that everyone has access to the web, but it’s also vital that we all <a href="{ $tools }">understand the tools</a> we use to access it. We use web browsers like { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-apple } { -brand-name-safari } every day, but do we understand what they are and how they work?
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • index.ftl
Make sure all your important stuff — internet searches, passwords, open tabs — appears where you need it on every device.
Make sure all your important stuff — internet searches, passwords, open tabs — appears where you need it on every device.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more.ftl
Check out tips for seeing less misinformation and focusing on what’s important to you.
Check out tips for seeing less misinformation and focusing on what’s important to you.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more • misinformation.ftl
Check out tips for seeing less misinformation and focusing on what’s important to you
Check out tips for seeing less misinformation and focusing on what’s important to you
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • new • desktop.ftl
Get the browser that protects what’s important
Get the browser that protects what’s important
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
A strong password is important and a first step towards enhanced online security. Want to double the safety? Try multi-factor authentication (MFA) – many services offer it already!
A strong password is important and a first step towards enhanced online security. Want to double the safety? Try multi-factor authentication (MFA) – many services offer it already!
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
<strong>Perhaps you just need to do something urgently and depend on a public WIFI.</strong> That’s fine. If the network asks you to enter an email address in order to connect, please don’t enter the one you normally use. Rather get a new one for less trustworthy sites and services and don’t use it for personal email correspondence, important accounts or online banking. That way, you won’t really mind if you receive a lot of spam afterwards.
<strong>Perhaps you just need to do something urgently and depend on a public WIFI.</strong> That’s fine. If the network asks you to enter an email address in order to connect, please don’t enter the one you normally use. Rather get a new one for less trustworthy sites and services and don’t use it for personal email correspondence, important accounts or online banking. That way, you won’t really mind if you receive a lot of spam afterwards.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • governance • policies • participation.ftl
Conflicts will inevitably arise, but frustration should never turn into a personal attack. It is not okay to insult, demean or belittle others. Attacking someone for their opinions, beliefs and ideas is not acceptable. It is important to speak directly when we disagree and when we think we need to improve, but such discussions must be conducted respectfully and professionally, remaining focused on the issue at hand.
Conflicts will inevitably arise, but frustration should never turn into a personal attack. It is not okay to insult, demean or belittle others. Attacking someone for their opinions, beliefs and ideas is not acceptable. It is important to speak directly when we disagree and when we think we need to improve, but such discussions must be conducted respectfully and professionally, remaining focused on the issue at hand.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • governance • policies • participation.ftl
Seek diverse perspectives. Diversity of views and of people on teams powers innovation, even if it is not always comfortable. Encourage all voices. Help new perspectives be heard and listen actively. If you find yourself dominating a discussion, it is especially important to step back and encourage other voices to join in. Be aware of how much time is taken up by dominant members of the group. Provide alternative ways to contribute or participate when possible.
Seek diverse perspectives. Diversity of views and of people on teams powers innovation, even if it is not always comfortable. Encourage all voices. Help new perspectives be heard and listen actively. If you find yourself dominating a discussion, it is especially important to step back and encourage other voices to join in. Be aware of how much time is taken up by dominant members of the group. Provide alternative ways to contribute or participate when possible.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • governance • policies • reporting.ftl
No matter who files the report, the information below is important to capture.
No matter who files the report, the information below is important to capture.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • manifesto.ftl
Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.
Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • manifesto.ftl
The internet is becoming an increasingly important part of our lives.
The internet is becoming an increasingly important part of our lives.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • manifesto.ftl
Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.
Magnifying the public benefit aspects of the internet is an important goal, worthy of time, attention and commitment.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • newsletters.ftl
Don’t miss important news and updates about your { -brand-name-firefox-os } device.
Don’t miss important news and updates about your { -brand-name-firefox-os } device.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • newsletters.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } touches on a variety of important issues.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } touches on a variety of important issues.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • newsletters.ftl
Updates from our global community, helping people learn the most important skills of our age: the ability to read, write and participate in the digital world.
Updates from our global community, helping people learn the most important skills of our age: the ability to read, write and participate in the digital world.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • newsletter • opt-out-confirmation.ftl
You’ll continue to receive other emails you’re subscribed to, along with occasional important updates about your account. To manage all your subscriptions, enter your email below — we need to make sure we’re talking to the right person.
You’ll continue to receive other emails you’re subscribed to, along with occasional important updates about your account. To manage all your subscriptions, enter your email below — we need to make sure we’re talking to the right person.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • landing.ftl
As more of daily life takes place through the internet, online privacy and security become even more important. A VPN, <a href="{ $url }">Virtual Private Network</a>, can help you create a secure, private connection to the internet. It works by creating a “tunnel” between your device and the internet at large, and it protects you in two important ways:
As more of daily life takes place through the internet, online privacy and security become even more important. A VPN, <a href="{ $url }">Virtual Private Network</a>, can help you create a secure, private connection to the internet. It works by creating a “tunnel” between your device and the internet at large, and it protects you in two important ways:
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