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Entity en-US dsb
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
This POP3 server does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up this account, please try changing to 'Normal password' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, please contact your email administrator or provider.
Zda se, až POP3-serwer njepódpěra skoděrowane gronidła. Jolic sćo toś to konto rowno zarědował, wubjeŕśo pšosym nastajenje 'Normalne gronidło' ako 'awtentificěrowańsku metodu' w 'Kontowe nastajenja | Serwerowe nastajenja'. Jolic to howac funkcioněrujo a něnto naraz nic, stajśo ze swójim e-mailowym administratorom abo póbitowarjom do zwiska.
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