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Entity en-US dsb
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • global • createProfileWizard.ftl
If you are the only person using this copy of { -brand-short-name }, you must have at least one profile. If you would like, you can create multiple profiles for yourself to store different sets of settings and preferences. For example, you may want to have separate profiles for business and personal use.
Jolic sćo jadnučka wósoba, kótaraž wužywa toś tu kopiju { -brand-short-name }, musyśo nanejmjenjej jaden profil měś. Jolic cośo, móžośo někotare profile za sebje załožyś, aby rozdźělne kupki nastajenjow a preference składował. Na pśikład cośo snaź separatne profile za pówołańske a priwatne wužywanje měś.
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