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Entity gd en-US
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • accountCreation.dtd
Tha am frithealaiche seo a' cleachdadh teisteanas nach urrainn dhuinn earbsa a chur ann agus chan urrainn dhuinn a bhith cinnteach mar sin nach eil cuideigin a' còmhlachadh na trafaige eadar &brandShortName; agus am frithealaiche agad. Leigidh &brandShortName; leat am post agad fhaighinn ach bu chòir dhut gu mòr iarraidh air solaraiche a' phuist-dhealain agad teisteanas earbsach a chur air an fhrithealaiche.
The server uses a certificate that we can't trust, so we can't be sure that someone isn't intercepting the traffic between &brandShortName; and your server. &brandShortName; will let you get to your mail, but you should really get your email provider to configure the server with a trusted certificate.
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