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Entity gd en-US
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
Ma stòras tu post-dealain ùr a' chunntais seo ann am bogsa a-steach cunntais eile, chan urrainn dhut tuilleadh post-dealain a ruigsinn a luchdaich thu a-nuas roimhe airson a' chunntais seo. Ma tha post-dealain agad sa chunntas seo, cuir lethbhreac dheth ann an cunntas eile an toiseach.\n\nMa tha criathragan agad a chriathras am post a thig dhan chunntas seo, bu chòir dhut an cuir à comas no am pasgan-amais atharrachadh. Ma tha pasgain shònraichte aig cunntas sam bith sa chunntas seo ("Post cuirte", "Dreachan", "Teamplaidean"), bu chòir dhut an atharrachadh gum bi iad ann an cunntas eile.\n\nA bheil airson post-dealain a' chunntais a stòradh ann an cunntas eile fhathast?
If you store this account's new mail in a different account's Inbox, you will no longer be able to access already downloaded e-mail for this account. If you have mail in this account, please copy it to another account first.\n\nIf you have filters that filter mail into this account, you should disable them or change the destination folder. If any accounts have special folders in this account (Sent, Drafts, Templates, Archives, Junk), you should change them to be in another account.\n\nDo you still want to store this account's e-mail in a different account?
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